FlinkCEP is the Complex Event Processing (CEP) API of the Flink Big Data platform. The high expressive power of the language of FlinkCEP comes at the cost of cumbersome parameterization of the queried patterns, acting as a barrier for FlinkCEP’s adoption. Moreover, properly configuring a FlinkCEP program to run over...
On September 16-17, the 9th plenary meeting of the INFORE project was held, virtually. Approximately 30 people participated. The focal points of the project meeting were on reporting the progress achieved so far and since the 1st project review as well as the goals to be achieved until the end...
INFORE partners from NCSR organised and presented a tutorial on Complex Event Processing in the context of IJCAI 2021. The tutorial was held online on August 13th and the material is accessible here.
An INFORE paper, by Athena RC partners, entitled “Extreme-Scale Interactive Cross- Platform Streaming Analytics – The INFORE Approach” was accepted earlier this month at the SEA Data Workshop held together with VLDB ’21 and was presented on 20 Aug 2021. The work summarizes the internal architecture and the backend of...
At DANS20 sea trial CMRE and INFORE successfully advanced the cooperative robotic autonomy of Wavegliders. Field tests were conducted in December 2020 in the Ligurian Sea, and CMRE tested the autonomy software that will be used during the INFORE marine pilot demonstration. For the first time two Surface Unmanned Vehicles,...