18 May 2020 -
On 11-12 May the 5th plenary meeting of INFORE project took place. Due to COVID-19 the meeting was held online. More than thirty-five attendees including senior, junior researchers, developers, experts and students from industrial and academic INFORE partners joined and participated in the fruitful discussions. The meeting took place just after the submission of 4 important project deliverables involving the overall INFORE architecture and the release of software stacks that have been developed up to this point of the project (WP4), the Agent-based Model developed within the scope of the Life Science use case (WP1), the INFORE Optimizer and its algorithmic arsenal (WP5), as well as the Machine Learning and Complex Event Forecasting Components (WP6). Thus, partners had the opportunity to communicate their progress and agree on the next steps towards further integrating the developed software modules and enhance the functionality of each. During the first day of the meeting the focus was on INFORE architecture and use cases. The second day of the meeting was devoted to dissemination activities and business planning, to the Machine Learning and Complex Event Forecasting Components and to the INFORE Optimizer’s algorithmic suit and benchmarking results. Involved partners also discussed action items regarding the evaluation of intermediate project results from expert users of each use case and the deliverables which are to be submitted on Month 18 of the project.