INFORE partner participates in the organisation of the First International Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Event Processing (D-MMEP). The D-MMEP’21 workshop is co-located with the Forty First IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2021) and is scheduled on July 7th, 2021 (Tentative) at Washington DC, USA. For more information...
INFORE partners participate in the organisation of the ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event‐based Systems this year (DEBS 2021). The call for papers is provided below. Call for papers DEBS 2021: June 28th – July 2nd, 2021 About DEBS: Over the past decade, the ACM International Conference on...
This tutorial showcases how we can easily create scalable workflows for the maritime domain consisting of multiple INFORE components using the RapidMiner Studio and its Streaming Extension, that has been recently released under an open source license. This extension provides operators that allow RapidMiner users to design and deploy arbitrary...
The demo paper from INFORE partners of Athena Research Center, RapidMiner, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Spring Techno, demonstrating the full INFORE architecture in Life Science and Financial Scenarios won the best demo award at CIKM 2020. Keywords : interactive analytics, cross-platform analytics, streaming analytics CIKM 2020 was held virtually between...
On 10-11 December, the 7th plenary meeting of the INFORE project was held, virtually due to the continuing COVID-19 situation. More than twenty-five attendees joined, reported progress, and agreed upon the actions for the challenging tasks that lay ahead. During the first day of the meeting the focus was on...