Events - page 5

Infore 5th plenary meeting

On 11-12 May the 5th plenary meeting of INFORE project took place. Due to COVID-19 the meeting was held online. More than thirty-five attendees including senior, junior researchers, developers, experts and students from industrial and academic INFORE partners joined and participated in the fruitful discussions. The meeting took place just...

18 May 2020

Infore co-organises the 2nd Maritime Big Data Workshop (MBDW 2020)

The 2nd Maritime Big Data Workshop 2020 is organised under the umbrella of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2020) with the support of INFORE partners. It will be an opportunity for researchers, technology providers, institutions participating in interdisciplinary big data initiatives, and representatives of the...

21 Feb 2020

Infore co-organises the 1st International Maritime Informatics Summer School

From 6th to 15th of July 2020, the first edition of the International Maritime Informatics Summer School (#MaritimeInformatics2020) will take place on the island of Syros in Greece with the support of INFORE partners.The Summer School will provide introductory lectures covering the main topics related to Maritime Informatics. It shall...

21 Feb 2020

Infore co-organises the 1st International Joint Conference on Learning & Reasoning (IJCLR 2020)

Integrating learning and reasoning, i.e. endowing algorithms that learn from experience with the ability to consult existing knowledge and reason with what has already been learned, constitutes one of the key open questions in AI. It holds the potential of addressing many of the shortcomings of contemporary AI approaches, including...

21 Feb 2020

Infore co-organised a "Composite Event Recognition" Seminar in Dagstuhl.

Composite Event Recognition (CER for short), also known as Complex Event Recognition, refers to the activity of detecting patterns in streams of continuously arriving “event” data over (geographically) distributed sources. CER is a key ingredient of many contemporary applications that require the processing of such event streams in order to...

21 Feb 2020

This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825070.

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