Infore 8h Plenary Meeting

15 Apr 2021 -

On April 13-14, the 8th plenary meeting of the INFORE project was held, virtually due to the continuing COVID-19 situation. Approximately 30 people participated and the partners presented the progress on results achieved so far, as well as the roadmap until the end of the project.

The plenary started with presentations and demonstrations about the Life Science Use Case, the Financial Use Case, and the Maritime Situational Awareness Use case. The presentations focused on the integration of the INFORE components into their workflows, and considerable effort has already been done in this respect. This progress was also highlighted in the respective demonstrations. The first day of the plenary meeting concluded with discussion on major results that are expected to have been achieved by the end of the project.

The second day of the plenary meeting started with presentations about the current status of the core components of the INFORE architecture. First, ATHENA presented the recent development efforts regarding Optimisation and Runtime Adaptation, as well as the Online Machine Learning component. Next, NCSR presented the progress performed regarding the Interactive Learning and Complex Event Forecasting component. Then, RapidMiner described the current status of the INFORE architecture, highlighting the integration status of the three use cases. The meeting concluded with discussions on pending issues and planning.

Keywords: cross-platform analytics; interactive Big Data analytics; data streams

This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825070.

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