Publications - page 5

On the inconsistent treatment of gene-protein-reaction rules in context-specific metabolic models

Ponce-de-Leon M, Apaolaza I, Valencia A, Planes FJ. - Bioinformatics - Volume 36, Issue 6, 15 March 2020, Pages 1986–1988


Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Online Probabilistic Interval-based Event Calculus

Mantenoglou P., Artikis A. and Paliouras G. - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) - 2020


Activity recognition systems detect temporal combinations of ‘low-level’ or ‘short-term’ activities on sensor data. These systems exhibit various types of uncertainty, often leading to erroneous detection. We present an extension of an interval-based activity recognition system which operates on top of a probabilistic Event Calculus implementation. Our proposed system performs...

Network-wide complex event processing over geographically distributed data sources

Ioannis Flouris, Nikos Giatrakos,Antonios Deligiannakis,Minos Garofalakis - Information Systems - 88, Feb 2020


In this paper we focus on Complex Event Processing (CEP) applications where the data is generated by sites that are geographically dispersed across large regions. This geographic distribution, combined with the size of the collected data, imposes severe communication and computation challenges. To attack these challenges, we propose a novel...

Elucidating metabolic dependencies in cancer cell lines using constraint-based modelling

Ponce-de-Leon M, Valencia A - X International Conference on Bioinformatics - Montevideo, 28-30th October 2019


Metabolic reprogramming is one of the earliest described hallmarks that take place during the transformation of cancer cells. Cancer cells adjust their metabolism to satisfy the demand for energy and biomass precursor required by a proliferative phenotype. The reconstruction of the first genome-scale model of human RECON1 (Duarte et al....

A flux balance approach to integrate cell metabolism into multicelluar agent-based simulations.

Ponce-de-Leon M - Severo Ochoa Research Seminar. - BarcelonaSpain 2019.


The study of multicellular systems such as tumours, tissues, or organoids is critical to improving our understanding of the complex dynamics exhibited by these systems. For instance, the emergence of resistant cancer cells is a process that manifests at many different scales from the molecular to the population level. Multicellular...

This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825070.

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