On Friday, September 4th, the 6th plenary meeting of INFORE was held. Just like the 5th plenary meeting, it was an online meeting. The project coordinator started the meeting by giving a welcome talk, in which he briefly discussed the project’s status and achievements since the previous plenary meeting. Then,...
Maritime surveillance applications combine numerous large streams of sensory data originating from many different types of sources (ranging from sensors onboard autonomous vessels to traditional coastal surveillance systems) to detect, track and classify objects at sea, while improving perception of the overall maritime environment. The integration and processing of huge...
A paper on the Synopses Data Engine (SDE), an important component of INFORE’s architecture developed by INFORE partners of Athena Research Center, has been accepted for publication and will be presented at CIKM 2020 Short Research paper track. INFORE’s SDE combines the virtues of parallel processing and stream summarization towards...
A new paper from INFORE partners of Athena Research Center, RapidMiner, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Spring Techno, demonstrating the full INFORE architecture in Life Science and Financial Scenarios has been accepted in the demo track of CIKM 2020. Keywords : interactive analytics, cross-platform analytics, streaming analytics CIKM 2020 will be...
On September 2 and September 3 2020, Nikos Giatrakos from Athena Research Center delivered a poster presentation talk at VLDB 2020 on the recent survey article published by INFORE partners Athena Research Center and NCSR Demokritos in VLDB Journal 29(1): 313-352 (2020). VLDB 2020 was held virtually and the link...